Little brown eyes gazing up at
me full of trust. A warm little body relaxing
as he latches on and the urgency of his hunger fades. Peace. Middle of the night together. Stolen moments that belong only to me.
Breast feeding was a goal. I knew it would be good for Ty. What I didn’t know was how good it would be
for me. How much I would enjoy it. Ty spent
the first four days of his life in the NICU.
I had to pump every three hours.
Such a sterile, impersonal, awful start to something that has nourished
my soul so much. Breastfeeding is the
most peaceful thing I have ever done.
What a gift from the Creator to offer a slow gradual transition away
from the physical attachment of pregnancy to the independence of a new person.
I didn’t get to nurse Ty until he
came home. Five days old. My mama was the only one there. Speaking to us both in patient, hushed tones. He latched on and I looked up at her in
wonder. I watched her remember. She whispered, “Isn’t that amazing?”