Thursday, January 26, 2012

Winter Wonder-where?

Let's face it, there's a really good chance it's not going to snow in Charleston this year. I know, I know we all remember last year, the big snow of 2011. It's a miracle we aren't still shoveling snow after that storm. But 2012 is probably going to be different than last and not produce snow (hopefully). This is why I am so excited about next Saturday (February 4). We are going to a snowboarding contest on James Island, the first annual Rail Roast Jam.
Holy City Events is hosting a snowboarding contest (once again, on James Island which means free, easy parking). Its $5 per person (under 5 is free) to get into this family friendly event. It starts at noon and goes until midnight. With a new baby, we won't be out for 12 hours, but I thought it was a nice idea to have an all day event. The young and free can stay and party a little later into the night (cash bar). They are having local bands, local vendors, and local oysters. I think the oysters will be for sale by the bucket and the website said burgers and hotdogs will be available, too. We won't be snowboarding, but if you’re brave enough, its just $10 to enter and the big prize is $300. If you visit the Facebook page you can find out the complete schedule for the day.
Jason and I are not cold weather people. We do not ski, snowboard, ice fish or do anything else "fun" in the snow. This is part of the reason I'm looking forward to next weekend. I'm staying in the South and I'll still get to dress Ty up in his Pooh Bear snow suit (he loves it because he gets to actually be inside a stuffed animal) and take pictures in some manmade snow. So, for ten bucks, we don't have to get on a plane, drive in a blizzard, or shovel anything, but I'll still have baby pictures in the snow and I'll get to talk to some grown-ups. That's a bargain.

P.S. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the MUSC Children's hospital. We have a special place in our hearts for MUSC after Ty's stay in the NICU. Go Holy City Events!