Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What in the World is She Going to Do With All That Pumpkin?

Ty is teething. He turns five months old today and he is already cutting his first tooth. He's on his way to becoming a man and leaving me. (Crazy I know, but I really feel this way.) He and I went to Walgreen's yesterday to get him a teething ring. (We have a 'baby stuff' envelope for these kinds of things.) I love Wal-Mart as much as anyone, but I picked Walgreen's yesterday for two reasons. First, it’s closer to my house.  Second, I enjoy shopping a real drugstore for remedies and medicines. They are easier to shop and they seem to have more of a selection for health type things. I got a cute teething toy called a Raz-berry. It took some time for Ty to figure it out, but he is really enjoying it now.

Here is the exciting part. I discovered some huge unexpected bargains at Walgreen's yesterday. In a drugstore, I like to check out the end caps that face the back of the store. They always have a mix of broken lipstick, a basket of eye shadow, "Just for Men" hair color and shampoo, but I can usually find something good, too. And at a great price. Yesterday, I was surprised. It was a good thing I had my 'Food' envelope with me because they were clearing out....Canned Pumpkin! I know, maybe not world changing for everyone, but for this stay at home mom the Earth moved. I was able to pick up six cans of Libby's pumpkin puree for $.80 a can. I checked the price on Amazon (who knew?) and it retails for $4.49. The best part is, Jason likes pumpkin. He's a pretty picky eater, so I have to be creative. I was also able to get ground cinnamon for $.89. My theory is they were carrying these products for Christmas, but don't stock the shelves with them year round. They are just clearing out the product they had left.

"What in the world is she going to do with all that pumpkin?"

I am a big fan of Hungry Girl recipes. She loves to use pumpkin in her healthy re-makes of standard recipes. I am going on an adventure with my canned pumpkin. (Jason is coming along, too, but he doesn't know it yet.) I am going to tackle some of her sweet and some of her savory recipes. I'll let you know how they turn out and whether or not Jason starves during this experiment. And if you have a recipe or tips you use with pumpkin (or teething babies), leave me a comment and let me know.