Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A List of Little Peaces

I find myself searching and searching for things in my life that bring me peace.  I am thankful for too many things to name.  I get excited. I feel accomplished. I find joy.  My life has very little true turmoil, but I don’t think anyone has ever described me as peaceful (or calm. or quiet.)  Oh well.  It’s working for me.  Here is a list of small stolen moments that add peace. 

1} A really good cup of coffee.  Sweet. Creamy. Warm.

2} That moment I realize Ty has fallen asleep for the night.  Knowing I have given him all he needed for another day. 

3} Holy Scripture.  Just something so unchanging.  Constant.

4} The Lowcountry.  Smell of pluff mud at low tide.  Marsh grass.  Water sparkling in the sun.

What little things bring you peace?