Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Praying as a Mother

A sweet friend of mine attended a baptism Sunday.  Her seven year old was ready to make a public declaration of his salvation.  I can’t even imagine how it will feel when my little Ty gives his heart to Jesus.  I can’t imagine because I haven’t thought about it.  This little victory in my friend’s life got me thinking about Ty’s eternity and I have an awful confession to make.  I don’t think I have prayed for his soul.  Maybe at all.  Don’t get me wrong I have prayed for him.  First I prayed he would make it to his birthday.  Then I prayed he would live.  Then I prayed for his healing.  I spent the first several months of his life praying myself to sleep.  I was almost superstitious in the way I prayed for him to keep breathing through the night.
Baby Ty's First Week Home

God did spare his life.  A miracle and nurses who were paying attention have given me a perfect baby who is strong and smart and growing.  I have been so focused on keeping him alive, (I think this is normal with a newborn no matter what) I haven’t even considered his life, destiny or eternity.  I have to believe there is grace for that.  But it’s time to look ahead.  It’s time to not only pray God would save my son’s life, but that He would also save his soul.