Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Time and Freedom While it is Still Dark

I remember the first time I put Ty down and I didn’t have to go right to bed, too.  When the baby first came home, my own sleep became a cycle of naps every three hours.  A few weeks in, he started sleeping longer and longer, and then one evening it happened.  I put Ty in his crib and realized I didn’t need to dive straight into the bed wait for sleep to quickly come.  I walked back into the living room and as I sat down on the couch, I felt freedom like I had never felt before.  Kinda like last day of school, but bigger.  I had been given time.

This “evening time” has been getting longer and longer as Ty’s sleeping has lengthened.  I’ve been getting lazy with it.  Staying up and doing nothing but flipping channels and mindlessly surfing the internet into the night, then waking up with a regret hangover from too much snacking and too much media.  I feel comparison creep in and he always leaves the door open for his friend, jealousy.      It’s funny how other’s blogs look cute and inspirational in the light of day, but as night falls the accomplishments of others start to taunt.

 “She gets up while it is still dark….”  I’ve had Proverbs 31:15 dancing in and out of my head as I realized I was losing time and it needed to be rescued.  Ok, so I probably won’t be getting up while it is still dark outside, but I’m going to start waking up while it is still dark in my house.  Honestly, it doesn’t take much to wake up before Ty.  He likes to sleep in. 

This was the first morning on my new plan, and I have to say that first cup of coffee was even better with a bit of freedom on the side.         


  1. Hi,
    I love your post, and the Proverbs 31 woman is one we should all aspire to follow. Great to meet you here, I'm a Christ follower too. Found you on Follow me Wednesday.
    Now following!

  2. Thank you for stopping by. It's great to meet you.
