Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Gift of Starting Over

Last night I started reading One Thousand Gifts.  I received the book for Christmas, but last night something was stirring around in my spirit.  Not a gentle stirring but more like a violent twisting.  I was drawn to this book and thinking it would give peace.  I was expecting a sweet farmer’s wife to beautifully describe the simple things in her life that she is thankful for.  “New pigs, freshly born.  Fallen snow with only Farmer’s and Cow’s footprints.  Calico dresses and pure white petticoats.”  I was expecting Little House on the Prairie.  This was not what I found. 
The book begins with stories of gut wrenching tragedy and loss.  Dead babies.  Three of them.  But that is not the end.  The story is about learning to trust God, to live without second guessing Him, to become so thankful there is no more room for doubt, or mistrust, or unbelief.  These things that fill me now.  This is a lesson I want to learn.  I need to learn.  A skill I want to have before Ty is old enough to know how much I doubt and distrust. 
Today I begin, with an earnest prayer, “Please, let this work.”  Mrs. Pate Writes creates a special place on her blog for worship every Wednesday.  Today I’m going to join her.  
 1)       The gift of starting over…