Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Happy Flay Day

Did you know today is a national holiday?  Today is Flag Day!  Today we celebrate the stars and stripes and all they mean to us.  Growing up we always had a celebration on June 14.  It is a special day for me but not so much because of the flag, although I do love Old Glory.  Today is the day I became a big sister. 
I was twenty months old when Chad was born, so as far as my memory is concerned, it’s always been the two of us.  One of my first memories is sitting behind Chad on a sled attached to our yellow lab, Ginger.  When Daddy would run, she would follow and we would hold on for dear life as we sped across the snow covered field behind our house.
He’s twenty-nine years old today.  (It’s funny how he is older than me now.  I’m only twenty-six.)  He is spending his morning in the ocean.  He sharing his secret to life by teaching someone to surf.  I’ve never known him to not excel in any sport.   

Chad is laid back, go with the flow, don’t worry about it.  This has always stood in contrast to my spirited commotion.  He is a friend to everyone.  I’ve never seen him be unkind.  People come to Charleston from all over the world experience our famous Charleston hospitality.  The lucky ones who get to ask Chad for a tour or directions or restaurant advice get what they came all this way for:  a real life Southern gentleman.  

Happy Birthday Charles Flay Sumner IV
   PS One more day to enter the first Envelope Keeper giveaway.