Thursday, June 7, 2012

Giving up on Reading Books for Smarty Pants

 Time for another ‘giving up on good” link up with Naptime Diaries and The Tiny Twig.  Sharing something “good” we are giving up so we can do something “better.”  And the hard part: giving up the guilt, too.

 I love to read.  I always have.  When I was growing up my parents would send me to my room and take away my reading privileges.  I still think “no books” is cruel and unusual (although I’m sure that’s what I needed at the time;)
One of the best things about being a flight attendant was the amount of down time I spent reading.  Think about all the delayed flights, long hauls across the ocean or the country, or just waiting around in the terminal.  All that time with nothing to do but read. 
Those were the good old days before I became a full time wife (dishwasher, clothes folder, lunch packer) mommy (milk maker, diaper changer, comfort giver) and writer (blogger, facebook looker, twitter follower).  I now have stacks of books just waiting to spend time with me and I try to choose carefully what I read.  I feel like if I choose reading over housework, it should be to read something worthwhile, something important.  Maybe it’s the hot summer weather that drums up thoughts of reading on the beach or by the pool and memories of reading for enjoyment not learning.  This week I’m going to lower my standards.  I’m going to dig through that stack of books, find a brightly colored work of fiction and I’m going to read it.     
 P.S. Check out my review of Michael Hyatt’s Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World. (The last “smarty pants” book I read.) 
           P.S.S. Follow my blog to be entered to win my first giveaway