Friday, June 29, 2012

Influence Conference

 Have ya’ll heard about the Influence Conference?  The event in Indianapolis where lots of ladies will be getting together to learn about the best way to use their very own influence to encourage, to inspire and to transform.  
  Guess who's going……ME!
I have been wrestling for weeks with this decision.  Mostly stressing about the money.  Do I really want to go enough to spend that much money?  Is my blog and writing career really in the place where I feel okay about investing in it? 
I’ve been talking it out with Jason, my mom, the Lord and mulling over the logistic of it all.  I am so excited because this week I realized I REALLY WANT TO GO and I’m letting that be enough.
I was feeling like my life and my writing wasn’t in the place where it would be considered a solid investment.  But I’m going anyway.  I’m going to connect with women, learn to make much of Jesus and hopefully encourage a lady or two. 
Jason and I are still going to have to work out the details (and the finances) but with a little extra budget stretching from me and a few miracles from Above, I think we are going to be able to pull it off. 


  1. I'm so excited for you Abbie! And good for you for prioritizing your future goals. I know it will be a solid an investment. :)

  2. Thanks for the encouragement....I'm really looking forward to this.

  3. How exciting! I just blogged about the Influence conference and how badly I'd love to go! Please share every minute of it with us. I can't wait to hear all about it!

  4. I'm sure we will all be blogging up a storm. One of the great things about a blog conference is a lot of bloggers to blog about it! I'm going to hop over and read your post now. Thanks for your comment!
