About a week and a half ago, Jason had a meeting in Dallas,
Texas and Ty, Emily Grace and I got to tag along. The only catch was, Jason had to
work a shift and then fly to Dallas, which had him arriving 10pm. Way too late for our good little sleepers.
But I really, really wanted to go on a trip and stay at a hotel. I wasn’t going to let a little thing like
flying with a two year old and a seven month old keep me from that free hotel
breakfast. I volunteered to travel alone
with the kids.
I have flown alone with Emily Grace and Jason and I have
flown together with toddler Ty, but alone? I know
Jason thought I was crazy, but we’ve been married long enough that he doesn’t
doubt my ability to do just about anything. It didn’t take me long to convince
him that we could do it and the preparations began.
One of my dreams is to write a travel guide for flying with
children and I figured this would be a great opportunity to get some good material. And really, how convincing could I be if I
never actually traveled alone with children. I mean, even it was a total
failure, at least I would have some good content for my blog.
When travel day finally came, my mom dropped me, Ty, Emily
Grace, two car seats, a double stroller and a backpack off at the Charleston Airport.
Jason was able to come to the curb to meet us, but as soon as we got our passes,
he had to run back downstairs for a meeting and I was alone. Me, Ty, Emily Grace,
two car seats, a double stroller and a back pack cleared security with no
problem. I was mentally prepared to be
fumbling and chasing a toddler while holding a baby, but it went really
smoothly. I knew what I could carry
through the checkpoint (click here for TSA.gov) I wore easy to slip on shoes and I put Emily
Grace in the front pack while we were waiting in line so I would have my hands
Once we were through the check point and put back together
the lady who had gone through behind us told me, “You did a lot better than I
thought you would back there.” I took it as a compliment.
The rest of the day went ok. When we landed in Houston I had the worst
headache of my life. I wanted to just
sit in a dark corner and cry. My hands
were shaking and I was having trouble concentrating or thinking. I bought some medicine as soon as we got off
the plane. By the time we boarded our next
flight, I was feeling a little better.
All things considered, it was a great trip and flying with
children shouldn't be something you are afraid of.
If you are planning to fly with children soon I have one thing to say to
“You can do it!”
On a practical note, here’s a few tips I picked upped during
the adventure.
Pack everything you need, too. I had baby Motrin, back up apple juice, spare
clothes and food for the children, but not for me. I wish I could have taken a couple Tylenol at
the first sign of a headache. It would
have changed my experience dramatically.
Lower your expectations. It will take longer to clear security, board
the plane, claim your luggage, grab lunch and transfer from gate to gate. That’s ok.
It’s not a race (which is great news, because you would totally loose.)
Give yourself more time than you need. Give yourself and your precious children
an extra dose of grace.
Give yourself plenty of time between flights. A
close connection to shorten your overall travel time is a bad idea. The computer will let you buy a ticket with as
little as thirty minutes between connecting flights. You need at least an hour
and a half. Adding an hour or two to the
trip to prevent a cross airport sprint is a fair trade. And what if you miss your connection completely? Do you really want to get stuck in Chicago all
day waiting for a flight that can accommodate all y’all? I don’t!

What is your best piece of travel
advice? I’d love to hear it.
Look for an angel to sit next to.
ReplyDeleteThat is so true. I sat next to a grandmother on the way to visit her grandchildren one time. She held Emily Grace almost the entire flight. It was so sweet.
ReplyDeleteI flew to Japan to surprise my husband who was on deployment there with my then 5 year old and 2 year old (freshly potty trained by about a week, nonetheless). They did absolutely amazing for the 12 hour flight. The only downfall was my two year old throwing up 30 minutes before arriving at our destination.... all inside my purse, on my passport and ID's and my shoes. It was a smelly reunion. ;) (And yes, I still had to present my puked on passport for customs to stamp!)
ReplyDeleteOh no Melissa! On your passport? But the fact that you would do that for your husband is awesome. You are one brave woman, but I guess that comes with being a military wife:)
ReplyDeleteWonderful piece Abbie! You did a great job. I'm sure I would have been in the fetal position hiding in a corner...
ReplyDeleteNo you wouldn't! Mamas are stronger than they think sometimes:) Thank you.
ReplyDeleteOh, my what wonderful advice. I have been traveling with mine since they were itty bitty, but the first time alone was when they were 2 and 11 weeks. Whew! That was an experience. We made it and they have learned the ropes over the years.
ReplyDeleteAll I've learned I'm putting on a blog of my own - www.theeducationaltourist.com Visit for tips and downloads for the slightly older kiddos. Happy travels!