We quote Dave Ramsey a lot around our house. Jason's favorite has got to be "Live like no one else, and later you can give like no one else." We are looking forward to the day we can give away more than we keep instead of making payments with more than we keep. But for now we are making paying off debt our number one priority. This doesn't mean we aren't able to be generous. We are always looking for opportunities where we can contribute with our limited time and resources.
I love Hoda and Kathie Lee on the fourth hour of the Today Show. (They are two of my best friends!) Last week I heard them talking about an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of women. Soma Intimates is working with the National Network to End Domestic Violence in a national "Giving is Beautiful" campaign. According to their website, "Bras are the most needed, yet the least donated item of clothing for women." Soma is working to change this by creating an opportunity to easily donate new or gently used bras. I knew I had some bras I could give. (I did just have a baby, talk about transforming your body.) I was even more inspired when I went to their website and saw how much good they are doing. They are accepting bras at any of their store. There is not a Soma where I live in Charleston, but they have a shipping address to send donations.
I dug in my closet that afternoon and unearthed a box of pre-pregnancy of clothes. I found five bras that I know I'll never wear again, and quite honestly, I'm amazed they ever fit at all. (Again, nursing mother here.) I stuffed them all into a flat-rate envelope from the post office and for five dollars, I shipped them to DC. I probably didn't change a life, but I know I brought light and dignity to a day for some precious women who must be struggling through some dark ones. Like a lot of us, I know what a little kindness in a practical way can mean when you find yourself in the fight of your life.
Can you help, too?